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MTE gathering - Let's Coordinate Ourselves for Radical Change

Join More Than Enough at Prima (Rue Dethy 80, 1060 Saint-Gilles) for a meetup for our campaign partners, organisations, voluntary initiatives and anyone already conducting or willing to conduct activities or developing strategies to promote post-growth and degrowth ideas, including in practice. Let's coordinate to mobilise and consolidate a movement to build a just society. Join us, in a convivial setting, we will provide light refreshments and let's dig into the following issues:

  • Map the degrowth/post-growth movement in Belgium and identify key areas for collaboration.

  • Host discussions on different projects, challenges, and ambitions.

  • Share strategies to transform our collective power into action.

  • Groups like Scientist Rebellion and Growth Kills will showcase their initiatives, and you’ll have the chance to contribute, network, and spark new partnerships.

Event Schedule

  • 17:10 - 17:30 Intro: Let’s set the stage with a talk on political strategies for degrowth

  • 17:30 - 18:00 Mapping: Discover where your approach fits in with other degrowth strategies

  • 18:20 - 19:30 ‘Tables’: Share about your own projects and proposals, and connect to others for cross-movement support

  • 19:30 - 20:00 Debrief and next steps to turn ideas into action

Let’s unite our forces to push for alternative solutions that will bring a social and ecological society.

RSVP to confirm your attendance and let us know whether you’d like to host a table discussion.

✨ Want to be part of this? Reserve your spot by filling out the form

November 7

NL Connect2Change (Bond Beter Leefmilieu)